En las próximas semanas actualizaremos el blog con todas las actividades del 2015 que no hemos podido compartir todavía con vosotros, debido a la falta de tiempo.
Past months have been a little crazy! Several lectures in Spain and abroad, moving the clinic to the new site and, finally, the long awaited holidays. This year we really had earned them! Already back to the normal life, we want to post the images taken during the recent clinical stay of Dr. Alberto González García, from Seville. We performed soft tissue grafts, zirconia implants, periodontal surgeries and many other techniques... We also had time for enjoying the last summer days in El Bierzo.
In the next weeks we will show you how busy we have been this year, posting all the activities we haven't already shared with you due the lack of time.
He visto justo lo que quería: cirugía regenerativa
periodontal, cirugía plástica periodontal, injertos de tejido blando,
Calidad humana y calidad profesional, esto es lo que hay aquí, pero la que me
gusta más ha sido la humana
Alberto González García, Sevilla.
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